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Blender 2.8 Grease Pencil sketches

finally had some time to try the new Grease Pencil in Blender 2.8
it's super fun and definitely a useful tool to sketch and get a 360 degrees idea of what you're doing and how it looks

of course i used references!

Blender 2.8 - Grease Pencil Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Ferrari 312/67

Blender 2.8 - Grease Pencil MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird

MH-6 Little Bird